Organized criminal activity is defined as groups of illegal activity enterprises centralized and run by criminals for the purpose of monetary profit. Organized crime defendants are charged on the Federal Criminal level, with typical activities consisting of extortion, hijacking trucks for cargo and goods, various forms of financial fraud, smuggling, bootlegging, and any other illegal activity that may generate financial gain. In order for prosecutors to sustain a conviction against a defendant charged with any of the crime related to organized criminal activity, they typically manage long, time consuming, and very explicit detailed investigations, involving inside information, and even wiretapping, to expose the criminal activity and gather enough evidence to charge the defendants.
The charges for those recently arrested from RI for suspected organized criminal activity have been publicly released.
Bail set for man arrested in organized crime sweep
Magistrate Joseph P. Ippolito Jr. of District Court set bail at $130,000 Friday for Vincent “Big Vinny” Tallo, who was arrested with 23 others in an organized crime sweep by state and local police on May 6.
Ippolito granted bail after a hearing. It was not known immediately whether Tallo was able to post the required 10 percent of the bail sum.
Tallo, 49, of 12 Poppy Hill Drive, Johnston, was charged with racketeering, organized criminal gambling, extortion conspiracy (four counts), bookmaking, conspiracy to violate the Uniform Controlled Substances Act, possession of a firearm while committing a crime of violence, and possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver it.
Arrested in the same roundup were three prominent mobsters, Frank L. “Bobo” Marrapese Jr., 68, of Cranston, Edward C. Lato, 65, of Providence, and Alfred “Chippy” Scivola Jr., 69, of Johnston.
Thomas J. Morgan